
Dana Telem, MD, MPH

Dana Telem, MD, MPH is a tenured Professor of Surgery, the Lazar J Greenfield Professor and Chief of General Surgery at the University of Michigan. As Chief, she oversees 7 surgical divisions comprised of 44 surgeons and 109 staff. Clinically, her practice is focused on abdominal wall hernia, foregut and bariatrics. Academically, her focus lies in implementation science and hybrid-effectiveness implementation trials. She is the PI on R01 funded work (NIH/NIDDK) that combines implementation science and policy to advance evidence-based practice for abdominal wall hernia repair. She has authored over 190 peer-reviewed publications and is the Associate Editor for 4 specialty journals: Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgical Endoscopy, American Journal of Surgery, and Hernia; and on the Annals of Surgery editorial board. She is the Vice President of SAGES, holds leadership positions across several professional societies; and founded the Michigan Women’s Surgical Collaborative. She also consults for both Leap Frog and the Food and Drug Administration.