Mary Ottinger, MD
Mary Ottinger, MD, FACS, is an Associate Professor of Surgery and the Program Director for the Vascular Surgery Integrated Residency and Fellowship at the University of South Florida, and staff surgeon at the James A. Haley Veterans’ hospital in Tampa, FL. After completing her residency in Providence, RI with the Brown University/Rhode Island Hospital Department of Surgery, she moved to Florida for vascular surgery training at the University of South Florida. Her educational interests include curriculum development and implementation of novel teaching approaches for medical students and surgical trainees, with particular focus on design and implementation of virtual education and recruitment activities for senior medical students. She currently serves on the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity curriculum task-force for the USF College of Medicine and the Medical student recruitment committee and Ad Hoc Research committee for the Association for Program Directors in Vascular Surgery. In addition, she is an associate editor for the VSCORE curriculum, and a member of the American Board of Surgery Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) writing group for vascular surgery. Dr. Ottinger’s clinical interests include limb salvage and management of aortopathies. As an educator, she has successfully mentored students into vascular surgery residency positions, and continues to emphasize the development of longitudinal professional skills’ development, and competency-based curricula for vascular surgery trainees.